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Public Statements

Environmental Health Project Written Testimony on the Public Health Impacts of Blue Hydrogen Submitted to the PA House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Hearing on Hydrogen Hubs and Climate

June 17, 2024


Environmental Health Project Comments at the Appalachian H2Hub (ARCH2) Listening Session Before the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED)

May 8, 2024


Environmental Health Project Statement on Shapiro Administration and CNX Resources Collaboration

November 7, 2023


Environmental Health Project Statement: Pennsylvania Health & Environment Studies (Pitt Study)

September 13, 2023


Environmental Health Project Statement on Air Quality Concerns from Canadian Wildfires

June 6, 2023


Public Statement on Civil Penalty Levied on Shell Cracker Plant (Beaver County, PA) by PA DEP for Air Pollution Violations

May 26, 2023


Public Statement on 2023 American Lung Association State of the Air Report

May 4, 2023 


Letter to Members of the U.S. Congressional Energy and Environment Committee on Health Impacts of Shale Gas Development and Policy Recommendations

March 31, 2023


Public Comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Supplemental Proposal to Reduce Pollution from Oil and Natural Gas Operations

February 10, 2023


Environmental Health Project Statement on Train Derailment and Fire in East Palestine, Ohio (Updated 2/9 & 2/15)

February 8, 2023


Public Comments to the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Regarding MAX Environmental Yukon Hazardous Waste Landfill No. 7

January 20, 2023 


Environmental Health Project Statement on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27)

November 16, 2022


Environmental Health Project Statement on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Proposed Methane Rule

November 15, 2022


Public Comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Proposed Rule on Designation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) as CERCLA Hazardous Substances
November 7, 2022


Response to State Sen. Bartolotta’s 9/21/22 Letter to the PA Department of Health

October 14, 2022


Public Comments to the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Regarding the Air Quality Plan (PA-65-00767C) for Proposed Leachate Evaporation System at Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill

(Makenzie White, EHP Public Health Manager, and Nathan Deron, EHP Environmental Data Scientist)

September 19, 2022


Environmental Health Project (EHP) Statement on the Public Health Impacts of Blue Hydrogen Production 

August 3, 2022


Public Comments to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Re: Updating Federal Guidelines Used by Public Health Agencies to Assess and Respond to Potential Cancer Clusters in Communities (With Organizational Sign-ons)

July 25, 2022


Public Comments on Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: How Policy Decisions Failed to Protect  Public Health Submitted to the Pennsylvania Senate - Democratic Policy Committee 
(Alison L. Steele, EHP Executive Director)

June 2, 2022


Public Comments on Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: How Policy Decisions Failed to Protect  Public Health Submitted to the Pennsylvania Senate - Democratic Policy Committee
(Makenzie White, EHP Public Health Manager)

June 2, 2022


Public Comments to the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Regarding the Proposed Environmental Justice Policy Revision (Document Number 012-0501-002)

May 10, 2022


Public Comments on Proposal for Safe Drinking Water PFAS MCL Rule Submitted to the PA Environmental Quality Board (EQB) 

March 25, 2022


Comments on Proposed Rules on Importations of Water Into and Exportations of Water From the Delaware River Basin; Discharges of Wastewater from High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing and Related Activities

February 26, 2022


Public Comments on Proposal to Reduce Methane and Other Harmful Emissions from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry Submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

January 28, 2022


Proposed Rulemaking: Exclusion for Identification and Listing Hazardous Waste at MAX Environmental Technologies, Inc. Bulger & Yukon Facilities (#7-566)

January 26, 2022


Public Statement on Pennsylvania DEP Final Methane/VOC Rules

December 9, 2021


Public Statement on U.S. EPA New Draft Methane Rules

November 2, 2021


PA DEP 2021 Annual Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan - EHP Comments

July 19, 2021


Public Statement on PSR Report on PFAS Used in Shale Gas Development

July 13, 2021


Public Comments on Controlling Air Pollution from the Oil and Gas Industry Before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

June 15, 2021


Comments to PA DEP Office of Environmental Justice Regarding Draft Environmental Justice Public Participation Policy

May 20, 2021


EHP Comments on Tri-County Landfill Permit

April 30, 2021


EHP Comments on Ohio EPA State Implementation Plan (SIP) of Clean Air Act

April 29, 2021


Public Statement on 2021 American Lung Association State of the Air Report

April 21, 2021


Public Statement on Gov. Wolf’s Announcement of the PULSE Solar Energy Initiative

March 25, 2021


Public Statement on Environmental Health News Investigation to Determine Levels of Chemicals in SWPA Families Living Close to Shale Gas Development

March 1, 2021


Public Statement on PA Department of Health Secretary Levine Being Tapped by Biden Administration As Assistant Health Secretary

January 19, 2021


Public Statement on Governor Wolf’s Announcement of Research Partner for Shale Gas Development Health Studies in Southwestern Pennsylvania

December 23, 2020


Public Comments on Ozone NAAQS before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project (EHP)

September 1, 2020


Call to Action from Pennsylvania Health Care Providers to Better Protect Pennsylvanians from Health Effects of Shale Gas Development (with DOH Response and EHP Memo to HCPs)

August 20, 2020


Comments on Proposed DEP Rulemaking: Control of VOC Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Sources (#7-544)

July 27, 2020


Letter to Range Resources: Ambient Air Monitoring at Augustine Well Site in Cecil Township

July 9, 2020


Public Statement on “Report 1 of the Forty-Third Statewide Investigating Grand Jury” Regarding Shale Gas Operations

June 26, 2020


Testimony for Control of VOC Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas Sources Before the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

June 23, 2020


Public Statement on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Oil and Gas Rule

May 27, 2020


Public Statement on Rolling Stone Article Titled “America’s Radioactive Secret”

January 22, 2020


Public Statement Regarding Governor Wolf’s Announcement Initiating Two Health Studies of Shale Gas Fracking in Southwestern Pennsylvania

November 22, 2019


EHP Response to 10/21 Marcellus Shale Coalition Letter to AQTAC

November 5, 2019


An Open Letter to Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health (and DOH response)

August 1, 2019


Public Statement in Response to Gradient Report on Fort Cherry School Emissions as Commissioned by Range Resources

May 31, 2019


An Open Letter to the Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Epidemiology, Division of Community Epidemiology

May 1, 2019


State Department Roundtable on Unconventional Natural Gas Development (Raina Rippel)

March 18, 2014


Testimony to House Democratic Policy Committee Hearing (Jill Kriesky)

May 2, 2013


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