Health Professionals
Featured Research Reviews
At EHP, we know that it can be tough to get your hands on peer-reviewed literature and even tougher to understand the scientific jargon within it. We also know that information is power. Featured Research Reviews offer summaries of recent and relevant studies, clarifying the health impact  of shale gas development.
Research and Factsheets
EHP is dedicated to providing accurate, data-backed information regarding shale gas development and public health to concerned residents and communities, health professionals, public health officials, and researchers. This section includes papers, presentations, factsheets, and additional resources.
One frequently asked question is whether individuals living or working near shale gas sites such as well pads, compressor stations, or production facilities should undergo biomonitoring (blood or urine tests) to determine if they have harmful chemicals in their body as a result of exposures from these operations. Learn more about biomonitoring—including its limitations—here.