EHP defends public health in the face of oil and gas development.
We provide frontline communities with timely monitoring, interpretation, and guidance. We engage diverse stakeholders: health professionals, researchers, community organizers, public servants, and others. We do so because knowledge protects health.

Virtual Release of “Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: What the Shapiro Administration Can Do to Better Protect Public Health”
Pennsylvania residents impacted by the vast network of shale gas infrastructure—wells, compressor stations, processing plants, pipelines, truck traffic, etc.—had every reason to expect that Gov. Shapiro and his administration, once in office, would work hard to defend their health from sources of pollution. Two years later, residents are still waiting for meaningful action.
Join us on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, from noon to 1 p.m., for the virtual release of “Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: What the Shapiro Administration Can Do to Better Protect Public Health,” an addendum to our 2022 white paper. Learn more and register here.
EHP’s Prepared Remarks Regarding CNX’s Radical Transparency Claim
On February 11, CNX Resources CEO Nicholas Deluliis gave a presentation to the Pennsylvania DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council on "Radical Transparency," a program CNX launched with Gov. Shapiro in November 2023. During the public comment period, EHP's executive director Alison L. Steele delivered remarks highlighting concerns with CNX's methodology and conclusions after short-term monitoring at limited shale gas sites.
Petrochemical Developments in the Ohio River Valley Story Map
The Ohio River Valley has had a long history with extractive industries. From coal mining to steel production to shale gas development, this area has seen the rise (and fall) of a variety of industries—and petrochemicals are now gaining a foothold. To learn more, explore an overview of the petrochemical buildout in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. Click here to view the story map.
Shale Gas Development, Climate Change & Wildfires
Thousands of Californians have been displaced by wildfires that continue to rage across the landscape.
Shale gas drilling contributes to a climate where wildfires occur more frequently all across the globe. Our Alison L. Steele highlights the connection between extraction and wildfires in a new TribLive Featured Commentary.